Four Tips For Stepping Up Your Snacking Game

Snacking often gets a bad rap, but it’s really OK to snack between meals. If you’re actually eating properly portioned meals you’re probably going to need a snack or two throughout the day just to keep your energy and momentum up. They key to snacking is to snack healthy.

Instead of grabbing a bag of greasy potato chips or a refined sugar Twinkie, grab a healthy snack that’s rich in vitamins and nutrients. Something that will make you feel good about eating it and will do good for your health. Here are some ideas.

Make A Better Dip

If you’re looking for a richer type of snack that will fill you up a little, you don’t want to reach for a bag of chips and some store bought ranch dip. Make your own dip and get creative with what you’re dipping in it.

Dips are generally easy to make, and you can make things like salsa and guacamole with all fresh ingredients. Try it out, vary recipes, and have some fun until you find a taste you love. Then dip in some homemade pita or tortilla chips, some sliced veggies, or some homemade bread.

Eat An Array Of Veggies

Vegetables are one of the healthiest snacks ever, and you can mix and match whatever ones you like the most. Chop up some broccoli and cauliflower to dip in homemade ranch dip or in some blue cheese dip. Chop up some varied colors of bell peppers to dip in hummus or salsa. Carrots are great with guac. Have fun with it and see which veggies you like most with which types of dip.

Fruit Your Sweet Tooth

When you’re craving a sugary snack, like cupcakes and candy bars, you need to get some natural sugar in your diet immediately. Refined sugars are addictive and bad for you. If you’re living on a diet filled with this stuff you are risking diabetes and obesity. Pass on the sugar sweets and go for fresh fruits.

There many options, from berries and cherries to bananas (which make great ice cream alternatives). If you want something sweet, but not too sweet, have some melon or some grapes. Want sour? Green grapes are great.

Picking The Right Crunchies

If a crunchy snack is what you’re craving and you need chips or nothing, go for baked ones. However, a great alternative to getting your crunch on are calorie free pickles. Tasty and crunchy and you can have sweet, dill, or even spicy pickles, depending on your craving.

If you opt for chips or pretzels, go with sea salted ones, and follow portions! You don’t want to go overboard and eat a whole bag of chips. You’ll regret it, and your stomach may offer payback, especially if you normally eat healthier.